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poems, excerpts, short stories and imaginary places.


"This Feels Awfully Familiar" | Personal Essay on Deja Vu 

May 2, 2020

"Maybe it is simply because you have stood in your hallway at 5pm being yelled at by your mum for hoarding all the cups before, but maybe it’s caused by something else."


"The Death of a Goddess" | Poetry

May 3, 2020

"Taking in the mural, the unclear mirage of the night, as she stood above him giggling with delicate finesse,

Still seeing the galaxies, the worlds that are within- looking past her crisped skin to see only her frailed critique."


"Erratic, Personal and Honest " |Interview with Jenna Koch

May 6, 2020

We spoke to Jenna Koch about her inspirations, writer's block, the creator of the universe and what she loves.

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