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"Blackberries, Nose Piercings, and Old Books..." |Interview w/ Emily Hueser

Photo + Video | April 30, 2020

Responses and Photos By: Emily Hueser

 What’s your name, age, and @?

"Emily Hueser, 16, @emilyhueserphotography "


Alright then, let's start small. What’s your preferred medium?

 "Photography; both digital and film."


How would you describe your style in three words or less?

 "Punk, Rock, Hippie."







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Why did you start taking photos? 

"I started creating for myself. I needed a creative outlet and after discovering what I could do with a camera, I fell in love."


I love that. What drives you to create?

"Being able to do whatever I want with art. I feel free and accomplished when shooting/designing shoots and creating what I want, so I aspire to feel like that all the time. Also, lately my main inspiration has been music and how I feel when listening to certain songs/artists such as Harry Styles and Declan McKenna currently. "


Do you have anything specific that you live by?
"I don’t have a specific motto or saying, but one thing I try to remind myself of whenever possible is that I truly am doing my best, and that no matter what should be proud of myself. It’s hard to remind ourselves that we’re enough."


 If aliens said they were coming down to earth to destroy it in 24hrs what would you do in your last day?
"Be surprised they got to it before global warming, but then eat as much strawberry ice cream as humanly possible and sit on the roof of my car in an empty parking lot to watch the stars while listening to music."

I totally feel that! What do you hope people get out of your photos?
"That art can be created with whatever surroundings you have. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve either yelled at my friends “HOLD IT!!” as I wait for my cheap camera to focus or had to balance my camera is one hand with the other steadying myself in an awkward position to get the right angle:)."



Finally, what do you love?
"Blackberries, nose piercings, books that smell old, the color orange, French music, the look of excitement on someone’s face when they talk about something their passionate about, hearing birds in the morning after winter, and my friends and family."

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